Friday, February 24, 2012

It's Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood by Bruce Williamson

It's Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood
Bruce Williamson

Walk in the rain, jump in mud puddles, collect rocks,
rainbows and roses, smell flowers, blow bubbles, stop
along the way, build sandcastles, say hello to everyone,
go barefoot, go on adventures, act silly, fly kites,
have a merry heart, talk with animals, sing in the shower,
read childrens' books, take bubble baths, get new sneakers,
hold hands and hug and kiss, dance, laugh and cry for
the health of it, wonder and wander around, feel happy
and precious and innocent, feel scared, feel sad, feel
mad, give up worry and guilt and shame, say yes, say no,
say the magic words, ask lots of questions, ride bicycles,
draw and paint, see things differently, fall down and
get up again, look at the sky, watch the sun rise and
sun set, watch clouds and name their shapes, watch
the moon and stars come out, trust the universe, stay up
late, climb trees, daydream, do nothing and do it very well,
learn new stuff, be excited about everything, be a clown,
enjoy having a body, listen to music, find out how things
work, make up new rules, tell stories, save the world,
make friends with the other kids on the block, and do
anything else that brings more happiness, celebration,
health, love, joy, creativity, pleasure, abundance,
grace, self-esteem, courage, balance, spontaneity,
passion, beauty, peace, relaxation, communication and
life energy to ... all living beings on this planet.

1 comment:

  1. Jamás es tarde para ser felices y disfrutar como enanos de todo.
    Un fuerte abrazo y feliz finde


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